I bet that you've been on some dangerous assignments.
I'm sure there were a few regions and countries that you agreed to a well-paid contract while thinking “what am I doing, am I crazy? I need to call up and tell them I'm not going, that I have changed my mind”.
But you still went, didn't you?
Was it the:
... Attractive rate?
... The excitement?
... The adrenaline?
... The challenge?
All of the above?
Did something go seriously wrong at some point? Did you ever think “this is it, I don't think that I will make it, what a fool I've been, to put myself in this situation.”
If you're relating to this, you're probably one of our typical readers — those who love the thrill of adventure. Perhaps even danger?
At the same time, you probably have a family who wants you to take care of yourself more; who think that you should be more careful; more selective about where you do business and with whom you do business.
On every new work assignment, you hope that nothing will go seriously wrong. You might be sufficiently knowledgeable and experienced that you feel sure that you could handle any problem, any issue. You hope that this next work trip will go smoothly, but at the same time, you're choosing to work in some of the most desolate, hostile and physically challenging places on Earth.
Fortunately, small problems are frequent and significant issues are rare. Small problems represent opportunities to gain satisfaction. Significant problems can be life-threatening. The next time you confront a big challenge you hope that backup is nearby, either from the operator that you get contracted to or from emergency services in the country that you're working.
In an awkward situation, there will only be a handful of phone numbers worth calling. These numbers might include your embassy, company head office and your agent. Your mobile phone signal might be intermittent; your battery might be running low. Your embassy might leave you on hold. Your company head office might already get closed for the night.
Who's your agent? What kind of relationship do you have with them? Do you trust them? Or are they just a ‘necessary evil' in the process of finding work?
When you have a big problem and need help, it makes sense to have as many options as possible so that you can get the word out. You should trust and feel that you can rely on all of your work networks.
Now, we at NatResPro are certainly not going to swoop in to save you. We are not comparable to any special forces unit. We do not have a rescue helicopter.
Of course not.
We see ourselves more as comrades or partners with our consultants. We are more like an insurance company. Why do people buy insurance? Insurance that they hope they never need, and often don't need?
It's a piece of mind. The piece of mind that comes from knowing that the people behind you have got your back.
We'll happily provide out of office contact numbers to those who we help find work. We'll be more than willing to take a call and do our best to help you solve your problem. (Within reason of course).
We take our job seriously and have a sense of responsibility towards the people with whom we do business. It's who we are. We ask that you only call us on our mobile phones, at night, if you need to.
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